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*Dusts off and gently taps microphone*
Been a minute hasn't it?
Hello everyone who still checks this page! I've decided to come by to mention a few updates, whether you're a new viewer or someone who's been following since the V0.1 days. It's nothing too major, but I feel like I should throw em out there.
First off, I'm considering V0.3, the latest version of Mystery's Basics (BBCR) to be content complete...kind of.
When I first started development on Mystery's Basics I had the full intent of giving a complete make over to Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered, it being the first mod I ever truly got to a proper publishing stage. However, a wrench was thrown into my plans and that was the fact that I only had access to the textures and captions of the game. There's only so much you can do if you can't actually tweak the entirety of the game. I tried time and time again to find a solution but the furthest I got was only replacing one sound, anymore would break it. I had possible voice actors but no ability to actually replace lines.
Eventually after coming back from my break from online, I gave it another thought and realized that the story I'm trying to tell with MB isn't going to be able to be fully told if I can't replace those as well. So, all things considered, I decided to polish up a few more things for the 2nd anniversary and mark that as the planned final update for this version. The game can be played fully from start to finish with quite a bit of the Baldi stuff not being seen visually so I'm happy with that.
Now, does this mean Mystery's Basics itself is done? No. I've been working on another project, and if you played the recent version of MB you've probably remember the one promotion screen mentioning Mystery's Basics Plus, and that's the project I'm working on.
Mystery's Basics Plus (No, I'm not calling it 'Mystery's Basics In Health And Wellness Plus', that's too long) has been in development since about December 18th 2022, it was always on the backburner since it was a Baldi's Basics Plus mod which is a paid for game. However sometime last year I was provided with actual tools I can use to mod BB+, and in turn I've been able to do things with MB+ I could never do with normal Mystery's Basics. Things like adding more posters, changing sounds, and just in general more flexibility. I originally planned for it to just be a funny non-canon side project, but the amount of things I can do with it has made it more than that.
As a result, I'm going to be working on MB+. However, there will be no release dates as I'm still tweaking things, and Baldi's Basics Plus is actively updating as well. That leads me to transition into one final point.
Third and final, Mystery's Basics Plus will not be hosted/released/whatever on Itch.io. I'm going to be moving sites to a proper mod hosting website considering the fact that I can't just release the game as a playable executable like i could for MB(BBCR). I'm not sure exactly where but I figure I should put that out there.
These updates out of the way, I just want to thank everyone who's still sticking with the game. I'm not sure when will be the next update, but I'm trying my best to keep the ball rolling and myself in the best state of mind I can.
Get Mystery's Basics In Health And Wellness (BBCR Build)
Mystery's Basics In Health And Wellness (BBCR Build)
Are you tired of feeling unwell and sickies? Come to Mystery's hospital! We'll fix yoo right up.
Status | Released |
Category | Game mod |
Author | Dr.MysteryBurns |
Tags | 3D, First-Person, Horror, Singleplayer, Spooky, Unity |
More posts
- V0.3 RELEASE (Development Anniversary)Nov 04, 2024
- 9 DaysOct 27, 2024
- V0.2 RELEASE and Changelog!Sep 29, 2023
- v0.2 Progress Update and hints of what's to come.Sep 25, 2023
- Mystery Played My Mod! (and a special update!)Jun 28, 2023
- Release!May 19, 2023
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