A downloadable mod for Windows

WARNING! This mod contains flashing lights, spooky contents, alongside other things! Be aware before playing that this is a scary mod not meant for kids!

"Hee Hoo! Welcome to Mystery's radicool hospital, new patient and friend! Let's get yoo feeling better and-...hoo! What happened to Mystery's Happy Juices? They're scattered all over the hospital..! Hey, why don't we make this a fun game! You collect all my Happy Juices and you'll get a special prize! Doesn't that sound like FUN?! Well. It doesn't matter. You're trapped here until you find them alls! Better hop to it!"

About This Mod:

Mystery's Basics In Health And Wellness is a Doll Eye themed modification for Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered. This mod replaces a lot of the graphics and subtitles in the game to be themed after...well, Doll Eye! Originally it was planned to replace audio too, but due to lack of proper audio replacement tools for BBCR it can only do the former. Still doesn't stop it from being a good play!

Features In The Mod:

Experience Baldi's Schoolho- I mean Mystery's Hospital with a fresh layer of paint! Textures both made by me and the discord community will be placed around to give the game a varying creative style!

Secret Lore? That's right!

Clyde. We don't ask why he's here.

It is recommended you know about the mechanics of Baldi's Basics and/or read the attached tips before you play this. There's not much of a tutorial in this version since the shop doesn't exist.



  • Mystman12 for making Baldi AND helping me out on changing the subtitles I previously couldn't
  • Dreamsteed for making DE
  • The countless people who supported me
  • Dr. Pepper for keeping me sane


Mystery's Basics v0.3.rar 107 MB

Development log

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